October 2019

SC-South Carolina
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GA-51st Annual Great Locomotive Chase Festival - Friday through Sunday, October 4 through 6, Adairsville Historic Square, downtown Adairsville GA. Popular arts and crafts festival in the town that witnessed Andrews’ Raiders Civil War escapade. Today the entire town is on the National Register of Historic Places. Enjoy craft booths, food, entertainment, and Saturday morning parade, with street dance on Friday evening and gospel singing on Sunday. Don’t miss the special festival activities inside the depot at the Age of Steam Rail Depot Museum. Downtown Adairsville is located along the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. Friday 10:00 am to 11:00 pm, Saturday, 9:00 am to 11:00 pm, Sunday 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm. Admission: $3.00. 770-773-3451, www.adairsvillega.net
GA-Ghosts and Legends of Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation - Fridays, October 4, 11, 18 & 25, 6:30 to 8:00 pm each evening, Hofwyl-Broadfield State Historic Site, 5556 U.S. Hwy. 17 North, Brunswick GA. Take an eerie journey back in time at coastal Georgia’s most haunted rice plantation. As you walk beneath centuries old Live Oaks, explore the slave cabins and out-buildings on the plantation and a lantern tour of the main house you will hear tales of recent ghostly encounters, plantation folklore and the rich but tragic history of the Low Country rice fields. Admission: $15.00. 912-264-7333, https://gastateparks.org/HofwylBroadfieldPlantation
GA-Artillery Demonstrations at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield - Saturday, October 5, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm, Front field near the Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. Artillery demonstrations show visitors the steps taken to fire cannon during the Civil War. Each program lasts 30 to 40 minutes and includes an explanation of the role of artillery during the Atlanta Campaign and the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. Artillerists explain the steps of firing a cannon, explaining the role of each person working the cannon. Afterwards the process is performed in real time and the cannon is fired. Visitors are encouraged to maintain close control of their pets during firing and please prepare small children for the sudden burst of sound. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo/
GA-Battle of Allatoona Pass Remembered - Saturday & Sunday, October 5 & 6, Allatoona Pass Battlefield, Acworth GA. Reenactors and historians will commemorate the 155th anniversary of the battle. Tour the hillside and the railroad cut through the pass. Walk the trails, visit the star fort earthworks, and follow the old Tennessee Road just as the soldiers did in 1864. Explore daily life in the tent city. See rifle and cannon firing demonstrations. Allatoona Pass Battlefield is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. Directions: I-75 Exit 283. Go east, cross railroad and continue 1-1/2s mile to the battle site. Additional parking and shuttle are available at Allatoona Landing Marina, just beyond the event site. Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sunday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. FREE admission. This event could be cancelled due to bad weather. 770-975-0055, https://gastateparks.org/RedTopMountain
GA-Civil War Art Show - October 7 through 26, Brown House Museum, 268 North Harris Street, Sandersville GA. Civil War related art exhibit featuring the war in Sandersville and Washington County. Located in the antebellum home occupied overnight by Union Major General William T. Sherman during his army’s March to the Sea. Opening reception on Monday, October 7, 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Regulars hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, Saturdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The Brown House Museum is located on the “Left Wing"” historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-march-to-the-sea.html. FREE admission. 478-552-1965, http://wacohistorical.org/historical-sites/brown-house-museum-ca-1851/
SC-Secrets from the Grave & Moonlight Cemetery Tours - Thursday, October 10, 7:30 to 9:30 pm, Elmwood Cemetery, 501 Elmwood Avenue, Columbia SC. 160+ years of history come to life during our popular Cemetery Tours. Grab your flashlight as we tour one of Columbia's oldest cemeteries and discover centuries of stories etched in stone on the markers and headstones found within Elmwood Cemetery, which includes hundreds of Confederate veterans. Choose from two tour options: 1) Secrets of the Grave Tour @ 7:30 pm, or 2) Moonlight Cemetery Tours @ 8:00 & 8:30 pm. Tour Elmwood Cemetery and discuss the lives, burials, cemetery plots and tombstones of many of Columbia's prominent citizens and families from the 19th and 20th centuries. Tickets: Adults $15.00, Youth $7.00, 803-252-7742, www.historiccolumbia.org/events/
GA-Kennesaw Mountain Trails Workday - Saturday, October 12, 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park GA. Kennesaw Mountain Trail Club is a volunteer organization designed to assist with trail maintenance at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. Trained crew leaders lead teams of volunteers on trail work projects throughout the park. Trail building experience is not necessary. Meet at the Visitor Center amphitheater. The Park provides all necessary tools and safety equipment. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. 770-427-4686, www.kennesawmountaintrailclub.org (check beforehand concerning possible cancellation due to cold or bad weather).
GA-Mule Day - Saturday, October 12, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Callaway Plantation, 2160 Lexington Road, Washington GA. Mule Day is a celebration of rural farm life in Georgia from the late 1700’s to 1900, including the Civil War years. There will be Mule Plowing contests and a Mule Show with cash prizes. Throughout the day demonstrators will show how farms produced their own turpentine, wood shingles, pine straw baskets, soap and more. A blacksmith will show how horse shoes and nails were made. Callaway Plantation tells the story of one family’s 200 year progression from a humble log cabin to a Greek-Revival mansion. You can tour a one room school house, a 1785 log cabin, a 1790 Federal home and an 1869 brick manor house. Children can enjoy many hands-on activities such as mule plowing, rope making, and weaving on a loom. They can interact with animals through pony rides and a petting zoo. A talented group of musicians will be playing throughout the day. Vendors from around the Southeast will be selling their delicious foods and beautiful arts & crafts. The City of Washington is located on the historic driving route of the Jefferson Davis Heritage Trail: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Admission: $10.00 per carload. 706-678-2013, www.washingtonwilkes.org
GA-Pioneer Cabin Life at Pickett’s Mill - Saturday, October 12, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site, 4432 Mount Tabor Church Road, Dallas GA. Don’t stay at home with cabin fever. Get outdoors and join civilian reenactors at our 1850’s log cabin. Hear stories of old and see period life-way demonstrations. There will also be guided tours of the cabin and nearby battlefield. Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. Admission: Adults $5.50, Seniors (ages 62+) $3.50, Youth (ages 6 to 17) $3.00. 770-443-7850, http://georgiastateparks.org/PickettsMillBattlefield
GA-Candle Lantern Tour - Saturday, October 12, 7:00 to 10:00 pm, Fort McAllister State Park, 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill GA. Join us for our annual candlelight guided tours! Come see soldiers go about their evening duties and experience what life was like for those living on the Georgia coast during the Civil War. You'll get to stop by our lovely barracks house for some sweet treats before being treated to an exclusive night-time firing of our cannon! Tours held every half hour, the last at 9:30 pm. Fort McAllister is located at the termination of the “Right Wing” historic driving route for the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-march-to-the-sea.html. Admission: Adults $9.00, Seniors (ages 62+) $8.00, Youth (ages 6 to 17) $5.00. 912-727-2339, https://gastateparks.org/FortMcAllister
GA-48th Annual Prater’s Mill Country Fair - Saturday & Sunday, October 12 & 13, Prater’s Mill, Varnell (about ten miles northeast of Dalton) GA. Stroll among nearly 200 displays of original artwork and craft demonstrations. Watch live demonstrations of blacksmiths, quilters, weavers and woodcarvers, or view antique automobiles and tractors. Taste the finest Southern cooking and tap your toes to authentic bluegrass and country music. Visit the historic Civil War era mill, used as a campsite at different times by both Union and Confederate soldiers. Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission: Adults $7.00, Children under 12 free. I-75 to Exit #341, north on GA Hwy. 201 to GA Hwy. 2, then east. 706-694-6455, www.PratersMill.org
GA-Camp Lawton Ghost Walk - Saturdays, October 12, 19 & 26, 7:00 to 8:00 pm each evening, Magnolia Springs State Park, 1053 Magnolia Springs Drive, Millen GA. Take a walk through time and meet the ghosts of the world's largest prison stockade: the historic Camp Lawton. See reenactments of common scenes throughout the prison and feel what it was like for Confederate guards and Union prisoners of war from the characters themselves. Magnolia Springs State Park is located on the “Left Wing” historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/MarchToTheSeaBrochure.pdf. Admission: $20.00 per person, plus $5.00 for parking. Commemorative t-shirt included. 478-982-1660, https://gastateparks.org/MagnoliaSprings
GA-History Hike: Iron Hill Trail - Thursday, October 17, 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Red Top Mountain State Park, 50 Lodge Road SE, Acworth GA. Meet at the Iron Hill Trail parking lot for a guided tour along part of the Iron Hill Trail. Discover some of the history of Red Top Mountain before it was a state park and search for hidden gems in 19th Century iron mines. Consider bringing water for your journey. 1-7/10 mile loop with moderate terrain. The hike will be canceled in the event of inclement weather. Admission: $5.00 for parking. 770-975-0055, https://gastateparks.org/RedTopMountain
GA-All Hallows Eve at Pickett's Mill Battlefield - Friday & Saturday, October 18 & 19, 6:30 to 10:00 pm each evening, Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site, 4432 Mount Tabor Church Road, Dallas GA. A most family-friendly, but spooky event! Werewolves, lost Civil War soldiers from the grave, witches, and things that defy imagination await the weary participant on these nights. Haunted walking tours through the enchanted forests begin every 30 minutes from the museum/ visitor center. Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. Tickets: $10.00. 770-443-7850, https://friendsofgastateparks.org/node/1051
GA-“Sherman’s March” through Washington County Bus Tour - Saturday, October 19, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Sandersville GA. Narrated bus tour featuring historic sites pertinent to historic events in late November 1864. Learn why Washington County was of strategic importance to General Sherman’s plan. Limited to 50, so make your reservation early. Sandersville and Washington County are on the historic driving routes of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Tickets: $50.00 per person. 478-552-3288, http://wacohistorical.org/
GA-Chickamauga Battlefield Bicycle Tour - Saturday, October 19, 9:30 to 11:30 am, Chickamauga Battlefield, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. The public is invited to bring their bicycles and join in a leisurely-paced historical ride. National Park Service rangers will talk about the history of the battlefield while Outdoor Chattanooga staff and volunteers provide ride leadership and support. Loaner bicycles will be available for riders five-feet-tall and over at no charge. Reservations for loaner bicycles are required. The tour begins at the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center. Ride length is approximately 3 to 4 miles on flat to moderately-hilly terrain. The ride is appropriate for adults and children ages eight and older when accompanied by an adult. All participants are required to wear helmets. Chickamauga Battlefield is located on Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, kim_coons@nps.gov
GA-Syrup Makin’ and Storytellin’ - Saturday, October 19, 10:30 am to 3:30 pm, Jarrell Plantation State Historic Site, 711 Jarrell Plantation Road, Juliette GA. See how the Jarrell family made their own cane syrup in one of the original kettles. Sip on sugar cane juice, be entertained by our storytellers and enjoy demonstrations around the farm. Freshly made, hot syrup will be available at the end of the day to take home and enjoy. A portion of Union Major General William T. Sherman’s army visited Jarrell Plantation during their March to the Sea. Admission: $4.00 to $6.50. 478-986-5172, https://gastateparks.org/JarrellPlantation
GA-Resthaven Revisited - Saturday, October 19, 6:00 to 9:00 pm, Resthaven Cemetery, Cemetery Street, Washington GA. A spooky and educational evening! See “ghosts” standing at their own graves in a historic cemetery, talking about their lives. Resthaven Cemetery is the burial location for Robert Toombs, who served at various times as a U.S. Senator and Congressman, Georgia legislator, Confederate Secretary of State and Brigadier General. Others notables include Confederate Brigadier General Dudley M. DuBose and author/educator Eliza Frances Andrews. The City of Washington is located on the historic driving route of the Jefferson Davis Heritage Trail: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Tickets: Adults $10.00, Students $5.00. Ticket sales begin at 5:00 pm at the Washington-Wilkes Chamber of Commerce office, 22 West Square, in downtown Washington GA. Transportation provided to the cemetery (a 3 minute ride). 706-678-5001, http://historyofwilkes.org/
AL-The Hunley - Monday, October 21, 5:30 to 7:00 pm, Fresh Food Company, University of South Alabama, 6351 Tonsmeire Drive, Mobile AL. John O’Brien will speak on “The Hunley” Confederate submarine during this month’s meeting of the Mobile Area Civil War Roundtable. FREE admission. 251-460-7656
AL-Who Haunts Fort Morgan?: Deaths and Burials at Mobile Point - Wednesday & Saturday, October 23 & 26, 6:00 to 7:00 pm each evening, Fort Morgan State Historic Site, 110 Alabama Highway 180, Gulf Shores AL. A guided tour by a historical interpreter of the known deaths and burials at Mobile point from 1813 to 1910. Bring your own flashlight. Admission charged. Limited to 100 persons, reservations required. Not recommended for infants or the elderly; could be cancelled due to weather. 251-540-5257, www.fort-morgan.org/
GA-Civil War Music - Saturday, October 26, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. Music during the Civil War served many functions. Not only did it help to organize and rally, but also went a long way to boost morale amongst the soldiers. Come join musicians and living historians 3 Rivers Fife and Drum as they demonstrate Civil War music with fife and drum. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo/
GA-Infantry Demonstrations at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield - Saturday, October 26, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm, Front field near the Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. This program will consist of a step-by-step description and demonstration of basic infantry tactics and culminate in a musket firing. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo/
AL-Cotton Pickin’ Celebration and Living History - Saturday & Sunday, October 26 & 27, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day, Old Baker Farm, 1041 Farmingdale Road, Harpersville AL. The fields of Old Baker Farm will be bursting with color as the pumpkins are ripe for harvest! What a perfect time for families and others to experience life on a working farm. Take a hayride, pick pumpkins or cotton, and explore the corn and hay maze. There are farm animals to pet and acres of living history! Exhibitors include handmade arts & crafts, blacksmiths, woodworkers, artists and more! There will also be a Civil War skirmish reenactment, live music, and antique trucks & tractors. Admission: $10.00 per person. 205-672-7209, www.oldbakerfarm.com/
GA-Occupation of Sandersville - Saturday & Sunday, October 26 & 27, Courthouse Square & Forest Grove Plantation, 1200 GA Hwy. 242, Sandersville GA. Reenactment of Sherman’s March and their overnight occupation of Sandersville. Free admission to the Saturday morning (10:00 to 11:30 am) reenactment of fighting in the Courthouse Square of downtown Sandersville, to be followed by living history demonstrations, soldier camps, ladies tea and food vendors at Forest Grove Plantation. Admission to Saturday evening’s (8:00 to 10:00 pm) masquerade ball is $10.00. Admission to Sunday’s battle reenactment at Forest Grove Plantation is $10.00 per carload. Sandersville is located on the “Left Wing” historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. 478-552-3288, http://occupationofsandersville.org/