March 2019

SC-South Carolina

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SC-18th Annual Battle for Broxton Bridge Reenactment - Friday through Sunday, March 1 through 3, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm daily, Broxton Bridge Plantation, U.S. Hwy. 601, Ehrhardt SC. Living history and reenactment on the 153rd anniversary of the Battle of Broxton Bridge. Special attractions include the H. L. Hunley submarine traveling exhibit. Living History Day for schoolchildren is Friday. Battle reenactments on part of the actual Civil War battlefield are at 2:00 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Admission: Adults $10.00, Children (ages 6 to 17) $3.00. 800-437-4868, http://broxtonbridge.com/battle.htm
AL-Old Cahawba Cemetery Walking Tour - Saturday, March 2, 10:00 to 11:00 am, 9518 Cahaba Road, Orrville AL. Old Cahawba’s three cemeteries tell many stories. Imposing monuments of antebellum social and economic elite, plain memorial stones of Union army prisoners of war, and unmarked resting places of African-Americans all speak to the rich diversity of Alabama’s early state capitol. This tour visits cemeteries and explores the personal sagas of many who lived here before joining the community of perpetual residents. Admission: $8.00. 334-872-8058
GA-Civil War Atlanta Downtown Walking Tour - Saturdays, March 2 & 16, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, Georgia Pacific Building, 133 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta GA. Walking tour of sites of Civil War Atlanta. Modern vantage points of historic photographs will be included. 2.5 to 3 hours of moderate walking with frequent stops. Meet at plaza in front of the Georgia Pacific building. FREE admission, but reservations required. Each tour limited to 20 persons. 404-688-3353, ext. 15, phoenixfliesreservations@preserveatlanta.com
GA-Civil War Sailor Images - Thursday, March 7, 7:00 pm, Hilton Atlanta Marietta Hotel & Conference Center, 500 Powder Springs Street, Marietta GA. Historian Ron Coddington will speak during the monthly meeting of the Civil War Round Table of Cobb County. The City of Marietta is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. Admission: $5.00; first-time guests are free. cobbcivilwarrt@gmail.com, www.cobbcwrt.org/
GA-Westview Cemetery Bus Tours - Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays, March 7, 8, 9, 21, 22 & 23, 10:00 am and 2:00 pm each day, Main Office, Westview Cemetery, 1680 Westview Drive, SW, Atlanta GA. Westview Cemetery offers ample opportunity to explore the final resting place of many historically significant Atlantans, as well as visit sites such as the Civil War Battle of Ezra Church and the beautiful Mausoleum and Abbey Chapel. Westview Cemetery is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. Meet at the Main Office for the one-hour bus tour. FREE admission, but reservations required. lisaday@westviewcemetery.com
AL-Fort Morgan Guided Tours - Tuesdays & Thursdays, March 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 & 28, 10:00 to 11:00 am, Fort Morgan State Historic Site, 110 State Highway 180, Gulf Shores AL. Living history interpreters will take you on a guided tour of Fort Morgan. Admission to the fort: Adults $7.00, Students & Seniors (65+) $5.00, Children (ages 6 to 12) $4.00. 251-540-7127, www.fort-morgan.org
GA-Kennesaw Mountain Trails Workday - Saturday, March 9, 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park GA. Kennesaw Mountain Trail Club is a volunteer organization designed to assist with trail maintenance at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. Trained crew leaders lead teams of volunteers on trail work projects throughout the park. Trail building experience is not necessary. Meet at the Visitor Center amphitheater. The Park provides all necessary tools and safety equipment. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. 770-427-4686, www.kennesawmountaintrailclub.org (check beforehand concerning possible cancellation due to cold or bad weather).
AL-Skirmish at the Furnace - Saturday, March 9, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park, 12632 Confederate Parkway, McCalla AL. See demonstrations of Civil War infantry, cavalry, soldier camps, homesteading and much more, including military drill demonstrations every half hour around the historic ironworks. Admission: Adults $5.00, Seniors (ages 62+) $4.00, Children (ages 6 to 11) $2.00. 205-477-5711, http://tannehill.org/index.html
SC-4th Annual Living History Encampment - Saturday, March 9, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Beaufort History Museum/The Arsenal, 713 Craven Street, Beaufort SC. Relive history during the Civil War as Union troops occupy the Beaufort Arsenal Courtyard. Reenactors will portray army camp life, complete with a Civil War cannon. Visit the museum’s newly renovated exhibition hall, plus learn about the Reconstruction era at the National Park Service’s museum across the street. Admission to the Arsenal museum: Adults $7.00, Seniors (ages 65+) $6.00. Admission to the living history encampment and the Reconstruction era museum is FREE. 843-379-3079, http://beauforthistorymuseum.wildapricot.org/
GA-Uncle Billy’s Boys: The 15th Army Corps - Saturday, March 9, 2:00 to 3:00 pm, Visitor Center, Chickamauga Battlefield, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. Some of the most cutting edge scholarship on the Civil War era is being conducted by graduate students at universities and colleges throughout the nation, and this lecture aims to promote the work being done by the next generation of Civil War scholars. Eric Burke is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he is researching the military operations and lessons learned by the Federal 15th Army Corps during the Civil War. His presentation will explore how these soldiers’ unit identity and culture shaped their operations as they arrived in Chattanooga in November 1863. Chickamauga Battlefield is on the Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, www.nps.gov/chch
SC-The Skirmish at Gamble’s Hotel Reenactment - Saturday & Sunday, March 9 & 10, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily, Rankin Plantation, 4789 East Old Marion Highway, Florence SC. The Skirmish at Gamble’s Hotel depicts an encounter that occurred on March 5, 1865 when 500 Federal soldiers marched into the Florence area to destroy the railroad depot. They were met by Confederate soldiers and 400 area home guards. The Rankin Plantation includes a beautiful antebellum home, with 22 Greek-style, Doric columns on three sides. Events include a “battle” both days, numerous skill demonstrations, a Saturday night dance, Sunday morning church service and more. Admission: Adults $10.00, Students (ages 12 to 17) $5.00. www.23rdsc.com/event/index.htm
AL-Battle of Cuba Station Reenactment - Saturday & Sunday, March 9 & 10, 10:30 am to 4:00 pm daily, East Spruce Street (County Road 21) & South Church Street, Gainesville AL. Smell the smoke, feel the thunder of the cannon, and watch the cavalry duel as Civil War re-enactors gather to recreate historical clashes of the Civil War. Music by the 5th Alabama Regiment Band. There will also be two memorial services: Saturday at the Nathan Bedford Forrest Monument and Sunday at the City Cemetery. Admission: FREE to the public; donations encouraged. 205-399-6336, www.facebook.com/groups/273679552806549/
GA-Battle of Peach Tree Creek Walking Tour - Sundays, March 10, 17 & 24, 2:00 to 4:00 pm each day, The DeFoor Centre, 1710 DeFoor Avenue, Atlanta GA. This walking tour of the July 20, 1864 Battle of Peach Tree Creek will begin in the DeFoor Centre parking lot with a brief discussion of the circa 1850 DeFoor Center/Ragsdale House history. The approximately 3-mile roundtrip walk will include visits to and discussion of Atlanta’s Outer Defensive Line, the Old Mt. Zion Church, the Embry Plantation location, Howell’s Mill location, the Peach Tree Creek ravine, Tanyard Creek Park, Collier Mill artifacts, and Loring’s Hill, ending back at the DeFoor Center. The Battle of Peach Tree Creek is on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. FREE admission, but reservations required. Each tour limited to ten persons. 404-688-3353 ext. 15, phoenixfliesreservations@preserveatlanta.com
AL-44th Annual Historic Selma Pilgrimage - Friday & Saturday, March 15 & 16, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm daily, Vaughan-Smitherman Museum, 109 Union Street, Selma AL. Beneath the moss-covered trees Selma opens its doors for the 44th annual Historic Selma Pilgrimage. Visitors will experience hands-on history through guided tours of homes in many architectural styles including Antebellum and Victorian, four museums, an operating 1860s grist mill, historic church, art shows and more. Admission: $10.00 to $50.00. 334-412-8550, www.selmapilgrimage.com
GA-Blacksmith Day at William Harris Homestead - Saturday, March 16, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, William Harris Homestead, 3636 GA Hwy. 11, Monroe GA. Our resident blacksmith, Doc Watson, will be on site with his apprentices to teach about the history of blacksmithing and demonstrate his skills at the forge and on the anvil. Tomahawk Hank and the Colonial Frontier Life Team will also be on site to teach about pre-Civil War frontier skills. Spend the day enjoying hayrides, craft demonstrations, and celebrate early spring at the Homestead! Admission: Adults $6.00, Seniors (ages 60+) $5.00. 770-267-5844, https://harrishomestead.com/
GA-Tales of Resistance and Rebellion - Saturday, March 16, 2:00 to 4:00 pm, meet at the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitors Center, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. A driving tour focusing on stories associated with African-American resistance and rebellion connected to Chickamauga. Come explore a part of the story of Chickamauga that is not often told - the desire for and the promise of freedom for enslaved African-Americans. With Chattanooga falling into Union hands, the city became a beacon of freedom for thousands of enslaved men and women who saw an opportunity to escape the harsh reality of slavery. Suddenly they were given a choice in their lives. Many African-American men enlisted as soldiers in the United States Colored Troops, which gave them hope, dignity, confidence and pride. Chickamauga Battlefield is on the Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, www.nps.gov/chch
GA-The History of Fort Walker - Saturday, March 16, 3:00 to 4:00 pm, Atlanta Preservation Center, 327 St. Paul Avenue SE, Atlanta GA. Fort Walker is known as the only remaining feature of Atlanta’s inner defense line during the Civil War. It has undergone the intrusion of urban growth through the development of Grant Park and residential expansion of the City of Atlanta. Participate in a discussion on the role of Fort Walker in 2019, its relevance and place in understanding historic monuments moving forward in the historical narrative. Fort Walker (interpretive marker # 30) is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. FREE admission. 404-688-3353, www.preserveatlanta.com
GA-The Battle at Manassas - Saturday & Sunday, March 16 & 17, off U.S. Hwy. 280 between Bellville and Reidsville GA. This 20th annual reenactment will be held at “Fort Wallace-Wood.” Over 400 reenactors expected; battles each day at 2:00 pm. Food and sutlers on site. Signs and flags posts on U.S. Hwy. 280 to give directions to the site. Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sunday until 3:00 pm. Admission: Adults $5.00, Children under age 11 are free with adult. 912-557-6649, www.tattnallcountyga.com/the-battle-at-manassas.cfm
GA-Living History Weekend at Andersonville National Historic Site - Saturday & Sunday, March 16 & 17, Andersonville National Historic Site, 496 Cemetery Road, Andersonville GA. This living history program offers visitors the opportunity to gain a better understanding of what life was like at Camp Sumter, the infamous military prison near Andersonville, during the last days of the Civil War. Living historians will portray Union prisoners, Confederate guards and civilians. A variety of programs will be offered on both days, including guard drill and artillery demonstrations. Junior Ranger programs and tours of the prison site will occur each afternoon. Professor Angie Zombek will give a special presentation on both days about “Catholics in Captivity: Finding God at Andersonville.” FREE admission. 229-924-0343, www.nps.gov/and
GA-An International History of the Civil War - Monday, March 18, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, Snelling Center, 3165 Washington Road, Augusta GA. Dr. Don Doyle from the University of South Carolina will speak on the topic “An International History of the Civil War” during the bi-monthly meeting of the Augusta Civil War Round Table. Free admission for first time visitors. 706-736-2909, gfy@gwenfulcheryoung.com
GA-Tour of Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church - Wednesday, March 20, 2:00 to 3:30 pm, Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, 2715 Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta GA. Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church was modeled after the First Baptist Church in America, in Providence, Rhode Island. The church is a merger of three Atlanta Baptist congregations. The steeple’s bell was cast in 1860 and hung in the original Second Baptist Church across from the Georgia State Capitol. It was rung in 1864 to warn Atlanta of the approach of General Sherman’s troops during the Civil War. The bell was transferred to Second-Ponce de Leon and rung for the premiere of the film “Gone With The Wind” in December 1939. FREE admission. 404-688-3353, www.preserveatlanta.com
GA-Full Moon Hike at Fort Pulaski - Wednesday, March 20, 6:00 to 9:00 pm, Fort Pulaski National Monument, U.S. Hwy. 80 East, Savannah GA. Welcome spring with a special nighttime Full Moon hike! Not only will you have the rare opportunity to explore the trails of Cockspur Island at night, but this full moon is a Supermoon and falls on the same day as the vernal equinox, the First Day of Spring. Space is limited to 50 participants and reservations are required. Please note the walk back will be in the dark. All participants should bring a headlamp or flashlight with a red filter. The red light minimizes light pollution and allows for a more enjoyable night time experience for everyone. It may also be muddy along the trail, so wear clothing and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. Bringing water and bug spray is highly recommended. Tickets: Adults $10.00, Children (ages 3 to 15) $5.00. Children under 3 are free but must still have a reservation. 912-786-4383, www.nps.gov/fopu/
GA-Homeschool Wednesdays -Wednesdays. March 20 & 27, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm each day, Sweetwater Creek State Park, 1750 Mount Vernon Road, Lithia Springs GA. Home-school students of all ages are welcomed to come join park rangers on a educational nature/history hike to the five-story Civil War era New Manchester Manufacturing Mill and class IV rapids. This hike meets the GPS standards. Meet at the Visitor's Center. Reservation recommended. Admission: $3.00 per person plus $5.00 parking. 770-732-5871, https://gastateparks.org/SweetwaterCreek
GA-“Ruins to Rapids” Almost Full Moon Hike - Thursday, March 21, 7:30 to 9:00 pm, Sweetwater Creek State Park, 1750 Mount Vernon Road, Lithia Springs GA. This 1-1/2 mile ranger-led hike is rated “moderate” and follows the lovely rapids of Sweetwater Creek to the Civil War-era mill ruins of New Manchester. Hike will be cancelled if it is raining. A flashlight and sturdy, closed-toe shoes are required. No children under age 6 or dogs allowed. Admission: $6.00 per person plus $5.00 parking. 770-732-5871, https://gastateparks.org/SweetwaterCreek
GA-Ghosts and Legends of Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation - Friday, March 22 & Saturday, March 30, 6:30 to 8:00 pm each evening, Hofwyl-Broadfield State Historic Site, 5556 U.S. Hwy. 17 North, Brunswick GA. Take an eerie journey back in time at coastal Georgia’s most haunted rice plantation. As you walk beneath centuries old Live Oaks, explore the slave cabins and out-buildings on the plantation and a lantern tour of the main house you will hear tales of recent ghostly encounters, plantation folklore and the rich but tragic history of the Low Country rice fields. Admission: $15.00. 912-264-7333, https://gastateparks.org/HofwylBroadfieldPlantation
GA-The Railroad War: Transportation’s Critical Role in the Civil War - Saturday, March 23, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, KSU Center, Room 400, 3333 Busbee Drive, Kennesaw GA. The Center for the Study of the Civil War Era at Kennesaw State University will hold its 16th Annual Civil War Symposium. This year’s theme is “The Railroad War: Transportation’s Critical Role in the Civil War” with presentations by Dr. Brian Wills, Director of Center for the Study of the Civil War Era; Dr. Gordon Jones, Senior Military Historian at the Atlanta History Center; and Thomas Parson, Historian and Author. FREE admission. 470-578-2551, www.kennesaw.edu/civilwarera
GA-Cast Iron Chefs - Saturday, March 23, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site, 4432 Mount Tabor Church Road, Dallas GA. Sample grub from iron pot cooking demonstrations of new and old style. Meals will be representative of the Civil War era. Visitors can also walk the paths of history and nature here at the park. Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. Admission: Adults $5.50, Seniors (ages 62+) $3.50, Youth (ages 6 to 17) $3.00. 770-443-7850, http://georgiastateparks.org/PickettsMillBattlefield
AL-Wilcox Historical Society Spring Pilgrimage - Saturday, March 23, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Camden AL. Join us for a tour of many of the area’s most loved antebellum homes and other buildings. Tickets: Adults $35.00, Students $10.00. 334-882-1538, wilcoxhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
GA-Soldier Saturday - Saturday, March 23, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, Fort McAllister State Park, 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill GA. The fort's plantation house will be open and ready to be explored. An interpretive ranger portraying a Civil War soldier will entertain topics of conversation ranging from fort history to Civil War medicine. Fort McAllister is located at the termination of the “Right Wing” historic driving route for the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/MarchToTheSeaBrochure.pdf. Admission: Adults $9.00, Seniors (62+) $8.00, Youth (ages 6 to 17) $5.00. 912-727-2339, https://gastateparks.org/FortMcAllister
AL-25th Annual “Siege at Bridgeport” Reenactment - Saturday & Sunday, March 23 & 24, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily, 2361 County Road 255, Bridgeport AL. Bridgeport brings history alive when 1,500 re-enactors thrill thousands of curious visitors and history buffs with their authentic re-creation of this fateful battle of the Civil War. Also included are period music, authentic encampment and vendors of historical objects and clothing. “School day” on Friday the 22nd; open to general public on Saturday & Sunday. Admission: Adults $5.00. 256-495-3614, www.siegeatbridgeport.com
GA-Commonalities of the Common Soldiers of the Union and Confederacy - Saturday, March 23, 11:00 to 11:30 am, Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. This interactive Ranger led program compares and contrasts the lives of Union and Confederate soldiers during the Atlanta Campaign and shows that these American soldiers were not so different. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo
GA-Day in the Life of a Miner - Saturday & Sunday, March 23 & 24, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day, Dahlonega Gold Museum State Historic Site, 1 Public Square, Dahlonega GA. Peek back at life in the years prior to the Civil War with demonstrations on gold panning, blacksmithing, shingle making, pioneer tools, candle making, folk toys, spinning, pine needle basket making and more. Admission: $10.00 to $12.00. 706-864-2257, https://gastateparks.org/DahlonegaGoldMuseum
GA-RiverBlast2019 - Saturday & Sunday, March 23 & 24, National Civil War Naval Museum, 1002 Victory Drive, Columbus GA. This educational and family-friendly festival includes live entertainment, family activities, food trucks, craft vendors, cannon firings and civil war demonstrations. There is something for the entire family to enjoy! Saturday 10:00 am to 4:30 pm, Sunday 12:30 to 4:30 pm. FREE admission. 706-327-9798, www.portcolumbus.org/exhibits-events
GA-Historic New Manchester Mill History Hike - Saturdays, March 23 & 30, Sweetwater Creek State Park, 1750 Mount Vernon Road, Lithia Springs GA. This 1-1/2 hour hike follows Sweetwater Creek down to and inside the historic five-story Civil War era New Manchester mill with a Park Ranger. The mill is situated alongside the lovely rapids (up to class IV) of Sweetwater Creek. March 23 at 10:30 am and 5:00 pm, March 30 at 10:30 am. Admission: $5.00 per person plus $5.00 parking. 770-732-5871, https://gastateparks.org/SweetwaterCreek
AL-Canebrake Homecoming - Saturdays & Sundays, March 23, 24, 30 & 31, five counties in West Central AL. The Canebrake, a historical region of west-central Alabama, was once dominated by thickets of Arundinaria, a type of bamboo, or cane, native to North America. Centered at the confluence of the Tombigbee and Black Warrior Rivers, the Canebrake extended eastward to include large parts of Hale, Marengo, and Perry Counties, also including portions of Greene and Sumter Counties. Dozens of historic owned homes, farms, churches and school buildings, most of them privately-owned and built during the Antebellum (pre-Civil War) period, will be open for visitor tours in celebration of Alabama’s 200th anniversary of statehood! Saturdays 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sundays 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Admission charged. 334-654-9619, www.canebrakehomecoming.com/
GA-Cannon Ball Crater Hike - Sunday, March 24, 10:00 to 11:00 am, Fort McAllister State Park, 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill GA. Some of the largest weapons of the Civil War were naval artillery pieces known as Dahlgren guns. This ranger led hike explores an area of the park where these weapons have left numerous craters. This is a bushwhackers hike, off of our trail system. Please where appropriate shoes and clothing for traversing natural areas. Fort McAllister is located at the termination of the “Right Wing” historic driving route for the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/MarchToTheSeaBrochure.pdf. Admission: $2.00 per person, plus $5.00 for parking. 912-727-2339, https://gastateparks.org/FortMcAllister
GA-Lemuel P. Grant Mansion Open House - Sunday, March 24, 2:00 to 4:00 pm, 327 St. Paul Avenue SE, Atlanta GA. Atlanta historian Franklin Garrett once called this building the city’s most historic structure. Join us for conversation and refreshments for a viewing at the 1856 Lemuel Pratt Grant Mansion. It was here that Atlanta’s defenses were designed during the Civil War and where golfer Bobby Jones was born. The house was later owned by Margaret Mitchell. The L.P. Grant Mansion is now the headquarters of the Atlanta Preservation Center. FREE admission. 404-688-3353, www.preserveatlanta.com
GA-Atlanta Campaign Map Talk - Sunday, March 24, 2:30 to 3:00 pm, Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. This ranger-led program focuses on the 1864 Atlanta Campaign and how the Union and Confederate forces moved through the north Georgia countryside to the City of Atlanta. This program will also utilize the various interpretive maps and signs. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo
GA-Margaret Mitchell and “Gone With the Wind” - Sunday, March 24, 6:30 to 7:30 pm, Historic Oakland Cemetery, 248 Oakland Avenue SE, Atlanta GA. This tour visits the grave sites of Margaret Mitchell and her husband, John Marsh, as well as other Mitchell family members and pioneers of Atlanta. Meet several Oakland Cemetery "residents" that Margaret Mitchell is believed to have used as a basis for characters in her Pulitzer Prize winner novel, "Gone With the Wind." While none of the characters in Mitchell's book are specifically based on real-life people, she scrambled appearances and personalities of persons she knew and knew of to weave a compelling saga of a world turned upside down. This tour begins at the Visitors Center at the Bell Tower. Oakland Cemetery is on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Tickets: Adults $12.00, Seniors (ages 65+) & Students (w/ ID) $6.00. 404-688-2107, https://oaklandcemetery.com/
GA-Friday at the Forge - Friday, March 29, 4:00 to 4:30 pm, Fort McAllister State Park, 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill GA. Visit our blacksmith's shop to learn about their tools, techniques, and importance during the Civil War. Our living historians will be demonstrating how iron is heated and formed. We will also demonstrate how musket balls were cast. Fort McAllister is located at the termination of the “Right Wing” historic driving route for the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/MarchToTheSeaBrochure.pdf. Admission: Adults $9.00, Seniors (62+) $8.00, Youth (ages 6 to 17) $5.00. This program is included with regular fort admission. 912-727-2339, https://gastateparks.org/FortMcAllister
SC-72nd Annual Prince George Plantation & Town House Tours - Friday & Saturday, March 29 & 30, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm daily, Georgetown SC. Visitors are able to tour many privately-owned colonial and antebellum homes and plantations during South Carolina’s oldest home tour. A different group of homes will be on tour each day. Visitors are also invited to Prince George Parish Hall where home baked goods, original framed art from local artists, books and our award winning cookbook, “Plantation Tours and Tastes,” will be available for sale. Tour tickets: One-day $45.00, both days $80.00. Tickets to go on sale February 4th and are expected to sell-out quickly. 843-545-8291, www.princegeorgeplantationtours.com/
AL-Miss Annie Wheeler’s Heirloom Plant Sale - Saturday, March 30, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Pond Spring, 12280 AL Hwy. 20, Hillsboro AL. Visit Pond Spring, The General Joe Wheeler Home, and take home a piece of his daughter’s historic garden. Special to the sale are boxwood propagated from the English Dwarf variety that Miss Annie planted on site nearly 100 years ago. Other plants available for sale include English ivy, vinca, daffodils, irises, daylilies, spider lilies and more – all harvested from the historic gardens. Proceeds help fund future restoration efforts on the Wheeler home and 50-acre site. Admission: Adults $8.00, Students, Seniors (65+) and Military $5.00, Children (ages 6 to 18) $3.00. 256-637-8513, http://ahc.alabama.gov/properties/pondspring/pondspring.aspx
AL-23rd Annual J.C.C. Sanders Lecture Series - Saturday, March 30, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Sellers Auditorium, Bryant Conference Center, 240 Paul W. Bryant Drive, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL. Annual lecture series on various aspects of the Civil War. This year's featured speakers are retired National Park Service Historian Robert Krick, author Christopher McIlwain, President of the Center for Civil War Photography Bob Zeller, and Chairman Emeriti of the Civil War Trust Paul W. Bryant. Lunch provided. FREE admission, but reservations are required. RSVP by March 27 to 205-348-7551 or ajones@ua.edu
GA-Guided Hike to 24-Gun Battery - Saturday, March 30, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. Enjoy a guided hike to the site of the Union 24-gun Battery. This hike will focus on local and Civil War history, as well as the ecology of the area. This is an outdoor program, so please prepare accordingly. The length of the hike will be approximately three miles and will be weather dependent. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo
GA-Camp Oglethorpe Program & Book Signing - Saturday, March 30, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, Cannonball House, 856 Mulberry Street, Macon GA. Join us at 11:00 am for a program on “Camp Oglethorpe: Macon’s Unknown Civil War Prisoner of War Camp, 1862-1864” by Stephen Hoy & William Smith. Both co-authors will then have copies of their book for sale throughout the day. Macon is part of the “Right Wing” historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail® and the terminating point of the Jefferson Davis Heritage Trail: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Admission: $5.00 per person. 478-745-5982, www.cannonballhouse.org
GA-History Hike: Iron Furnace - Saturday, March 30, 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Pine Log Wildlife Management Area Check Station, near 400-402 Stamp Creek Road NE, White GA. Meet at the Parking Lot beside the Pine Log WMA Check Station, We'll then travel up to see the remnants of a pre-Civil War iron furnace and the buildings around it. We'll also explore the area for other evidence of history! Cost: $5.00. 770-975-0055, https://gastateparks.org/RedTopMountain
GA-Grand Re-Opening of the Jefferson Davis Memorial Historic Site - Saturday, March 30, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, 338 Jeff Davis Park Road, Irwinville (near Fitzgerald) GA. You are cordially invited to a wine and cheese party to celebrate the "grand re-opening" of the historic location where Confederate President Jefferson Davis and others were captured to end the Civil War. Come see the site's new improvements, renovations, landscaping, etc. as we get ready for the spring and summer season. The Jefferson Davis Memorial Historic Site is located on the historic driving route of the Jefferson Davis Heritage Trail: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. FREE admission. 229-831-2335, arossfriendofjdp@gmail.com
GA-Camp Lawton Lantern Tour - Saturday, March 30, 7:45 to 8:45 pm, Magnolia Springs State Park, 1053 Magnolia Springs Drive, Millen GA. Come experience the historic Camp Lawton at night via lantern-light in this guided historical tour. Be transported back in time as you hike the trail and learn about the world's largest prison stockade and its inhabitants. Participants get to carry their own lanterns. You may even see a Confederate soldier and hear a musket fired. Magnolia Springs State Park is located on the "Left Wing" historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Admission: $10.00 to $15.00 per person, plus $5.00 for parking. 478-982-1660, https://gastateparks.org/MagnoliaSprings
AL-Civil War Reenactment at Janney Furnace - Saturday & Sunday, March 30 & 31, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day, Janney Furnace Park, 145 Janney Road, Ohatchee AL. Come witness history, with “battles” each day. We’ll also have vendors, sutlers, lots of live music and a moon bounce for the kids to enjoy! FREE admission. 256-892-5198, www.janneyfurnace.org/index.html
GA-Life of the Common Soldier - Sunday, March 31, 2:30 to 3:00 pm, Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. Life for the common infantry soldier during the Atlanta Campaign was less than ideal. Come enjoy an interactive Ranger presentation that will utilize various reproduced props and personal items to illustrate how soldiers lived and fought on the campaign trail in 1864. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo