May 2019

SC-South Carolina

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GA-Robert E. Lee at War - Thursday, May 2, 7:00 pm, Hilton Atlanta Marietta Hotel & Conference Center, 500 Powder Springs Street, Marietta GA. Historian Scott Bowden will speak during the monthly meeting of the Civil War Round Table of Cobb County. The City of Marietta is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. Admission: $5.00; first-time guests are free. cobbcivilwarrt@gmail.com, www.cobbcwrt.org/
GA-George Barnard: Photographer of Civil War Atlanta - Thursday, May 2, 7:00 pm, Senior Center of Oconee Veterans Park, 3500 Hog Mountain Road, Watkinsville GA. The public is invited to hear Dr. Stephen Davis speak on the topic entitled “George Barnard: Photographer of Civil War Atlanta,” presented by the Brigadier General T. R. R. Cobb, Camp # 97, SCV. FREE admission. http://www.scvathenscamp.org/index.html
AL-Fort Morgan Guided Tours - Tuesdays & Thursdays, May 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28 & 30, 10:00 to 11:00 am, Fort Morgan State Historic Site, 110 State Highway 180, Gulf Shores AL. Living history interpreters will take you on a guided tour of Fort Morgan. Admission to the fort: Adults $7.00, Students & Seniors (65+) $5.00, Children (ages 6 to 12) $4.00. 251-540-7127, www.fort-morgan.org
GA-Tea in the Garden at the Davenport House - Thursdays & Fridays, May 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 & 31, 5:00 pm, Davenport House Museum, 324 East State Street, Savannah GA. Learn about tea traditions and experience an early 19th century tea in Davenport House’s beautiful courtyard garden. Patrons will visit areas of the home where tea service took place and participate in an afternoon tea given with costumed interpreters in the garden. On inclement weather dates, tea will be taken inside the house museum. The performance requires that guests be able to walk up and down stairs. Savannah is located on the historic driving routes of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Admission: Adults $18.00 plus tax, Children (ages 8 to 17) $14.00 plus tax. Reservations recommended. 912-236-8097, www.davenporthousemuseum.org/
GA-Madison in May Spring Tour of Homes & Gardens - Friday & Saturday, May 3 & 4, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day, Madison GA. Historic Madison, renowned for one of Georgia’s largest National Register Historic Districts, will celebrate the spring season in grand style with the region’s most popular tour event. Experience the living history of Madison while strolling through a collection of the city’s finest architecturally significant private homes and intimate gardens. Many of these homes were constructed during the Antebellum period and “witnessed” the Civil War. Madison is located on the “Left Wing” historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/MarchToTheSeaBrochure.pdf. Tour tickets: $25.00 to $40.00. 706-342-4743, https://visitmadisonga.com/mc-events/madison-in-may-2019-spring-tour-of-homes-madison-morgan-cultural-center/?mc_id=5856
AL-Recall LaGrange - Friday through Sunday, May 3 through 5, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day, LaGrange College Road, Leighton AL. LaGrange College was Alabama’s first chartered college, established in 1830, and was later turned into a Military Academy. The college’s enrollment read like a “Who’s Who” list. By 1862, due to the Civil War, most students had enlisted and the village was left virtually deserted. There will be tours of Pioneer Village and grounds of the old college site, arts & crafts, reenactments and a celebration of Alabama’s “Bicentennial”…200th Birthday! Friday is for seniors and school groups (please pre-register). Saturday and Sunday are for the general public. FREE admission; donations encouraged. 256-383-0783, http://www.lagrangehistoricsite.com/
GA-Decatur Square History Walking Tour - Fridays, May 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31, 12:00 noon to 12:45 pm each day, meet on the south steps of the Historic DeKalb County Courthouse, Decatur GA. Walking tour highlighting the history of the Historic DeKalb Courthouse and Decatur Square, the location of the July 22, 1864 “Battle of Decatur.” Tickets: $3.00. 404-373-1088, https://squareup.com/store/dekalb-history-center
GA-5th Annual Chasing Jefferson Davis Marathon and Half Marathon Saturday, May 4, 6:00 am, Abbeville & Fitzgerald to Irwinville GA. Run on the actual historic route taken by Confederate President Jefferson Davis...and the chasing Federal cavalry...on his final day of freedom before being captured at the end of the Civil War. Both online and mail-in registration forms are available. We’re limiting the total number of runners to 150, so make sure to sign up early. We want to accommodate as many as possible while focusing first and foremost on this race being friendly to the runners. Abbeville, Fitzgerald and Irwinville are all located on the historic driving route of the Jefferson Davis Heritage Trail: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Registration fee charged: 229-467-2737, chasingjeffersondavis.com
AL-Surrender Oak Festival & Reenactment - Saturday, May 4, 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, Train Depot, Citronelle AL. The Surrender Oak reenactment portrays the surrender of Confederate troops commanded by Lieutenant General Richard Taylor on May 4, 1865 near the end of the Civil War. The surrender meeting took place under a large oak tree, subsequently destroyed in 1902 by a hurricane, known as the “Surrender Oak.” A company of reenactors will drill at 10:00 am, hold a memorial ceremony at 1:15 pm, and a “battle” at 2:00 pm as part of the Surrender Oak Festival. www.facebook.com/citronellelionsclub/
SC-South Carolina Confederate Memorial Day - Saturday, May 4, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Elmwood Cemetery and the South Carolina State House, Columbia SC. The public is invited to join the United Daughters of the Confederacy and Sons of Confederate Veterans in honoring our Confederate heroes. A memorial service will be held at Columbia’s Elmwood Cemetery beginning at 10:00 am. A procession from Elmwood Cemetery to the South Carolina State House will start at 11:00. A second memorial service will begin at 12:00 noon at the Confederate Soldiers Monument in front of the State House. Infantry and artillery salutes and the playing of Dixie will end these events as we remember our honorable ancestors. FREE admission. scdivscv@gmail.com, www.scscv.com
SC-Battle of Congaree Creek Guided Walking Tour - Saturday, May 4, 1:00 to 2:00 pm, 12,000 Year History Park on Congaree Creek, 1120 Fort Congaree Trail, Cayce SC. Come explore living history with us! Trained volunteers point out areas of significance along the trail at the 12,000 Year History Park and tell stories about the Battle of Congaree Creek in February 1865. Please wear comfortable shoes. You may also want to bring a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent and water. FREE admission. 803-765-2200, historyparkoncongareecreek@gmail.com
GA-38th Annual Old Clinton “War Days” - Saturday & Sunday, May 4 & 5, Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sunday until 4:00 pm, Old Clinton Historic District, near Gray GA. Come to Old Clinton and take a step back in time, when the Battles of Sunshine Church and Griswoldville during Sherman’s March to the Sea are re-created. “Battles” at 2:00 pm each day. The McCarthy-Pope House, circa 1809, will be open for tours. The house will be furnished and decorated in the era of the War Between the States. Miss Annie’s Store will display a wide variety of war relics, an exhibit of Griswold pistol parts, a finished Griswold pistol, a Burnside carbine, other war weapons and authentic Confederate currency. Saturday will conclude with a memorial service at 8:00 pm in the Old Clinton Cemetery to honor Clinton’s Confederate dead. Clinton and its Georgia Civil War Heritage Trails interpretive marker # R9 are located on the “Right Wing” historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/MarchToTheSeaBrochure.pdf. Admission: Adults $5.00, Students (ages 6 to 18) $3.00. The memorial service is free for everyone. 478-986-6383, www.oldclinton.org/war-days-3/
GA-Athens Confederate Memorial Day Service - Sunday, May 5, 3:00 pm, Oconee Hill Cemetery, 297 Cemetery Street, Athens GA. The public is cordially invited to the annual Athens Confederate Memorial Day Service. There are over 400 Confederate veterans resting in Oconee Hill Cemetery. FREE admission. http://scvathenscamp.org
SC-Secrets from the Grave & Moonlight Cemetery Tours - Thursday, May 9, 7:30 to 9:30 pm, Elmwood Cemetery, 501 Elmwood Avenue, Columbia SC. 160+ years of history come to life during our popular Cemetery Tours. Grab your flashlight as we tour one of Columbia's oldest cemeteries and discover centuries of stories etched in stone on the markers and headstones found within Elmwood Cemetery, which includes hundreds of Confederate veterans. Choose from two tour options: 1) Secrets of the Grave Tour @ 7:30 pm, or 2) Moonlight Cemetery Tours @ 8:00 & 8:30 pm. Tour Elmwood Cemetery and discuss the lives, burials, cemetery plots and tombstones of many of Columbia's prominent citizens and families from the 19th and 20th centuries. Tickets: Adults $15.00, Youth $7.00, 803-252-7742, www.historiccolumbia.org/events/
GA-Kennesaw Mountain Trails Workday - Saturday, May 11, 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park GA. Kennesaw Mountain Trail Club is a volunteer organization designed to assist with trail maintenance at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. Trained crew leaders lead teams of volunteers on trail work projects throughout the park. Trail building experience is not necessary. Meet at the Visitor Center amphitheater. The Park provides all necessary tools and safety equipment. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. 770-427-4686, www.kennesawmountaintrailclub.org (check beforehand concerning possible cancellation due to cold or bad weather).
GA-First Day of the Battle of Chickamauga Bus Tour - Saturday, May 11, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Tour departs from & returns to 402 Bartow Avenue, Kennesaw GA. The Center for the Study of the Civil War Era at Kennesaw State University is hosting a bus tour visiting sites of the first day of the Battle of Chickamauga. It will be guided by Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park historian Jim Ogden and the Center’s Director Dr. Brian Wills. These experts will provide you with the highest quality information and admission to sites not normally seen by tourists. Portions of the tour will include light walking and standing at different sites. Registration: $79.00. Lunch, water and snacks included. http://bit.ly/firstdaytour
SC-Sheep Shearing Family Day - Saturday, May 11, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Historic Brattonsville, 1444 Brattonsville Road, McConnells SC. This annual event highlights the process of turning raw wool into finished textiles as commonly practiced during the 18th and 19th centuries. Highlights include the shearing of our heritage breed Gulf Coast sheep, farm and barnyard storytelling, the opportunity for children to pet farm animals large and small, explanations about the processing of wool (sorting, washing, carding, spinning, dyeing, weaving, sewing), historic-style cooking featuring mutton and more. Admission: Adults $8.00, Seniors $7.00, Children (ages 4 to 17) $5.00. 803-684-2327, http://chmuseums.org/brattonsville
GA-Bivouac 2019 - Saturday, May 11, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Historic Piedmont Hotel and Museum, 827 Maple Street, Gainesville GA. A community-wide event centered at the hotel once owned by former Confederate Lieutenant General James Longstreet. Activities include a Civil War reenactment, tours of the historic hotel, lunch and music, and a self-guided driving tour of historic Gainesville. FREE admission. 770-539-9005, www.longstreet.org
GA-The Arrest of Alexander Hamilton Stephens - Saturday, May 11, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, A. H. Stephens State Park, 465 Alexander Street NW, Crawfordville GA. On May 11, 1865 Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens was arrested and charged with treason. Come experience a live re-enactment of his arrest, and of his “homecoming” that took place on October 27, 1865. In addition to the re-enactment, we will have period performers and demonstrators. Admission: $5.00. 706-456-2602, https://gastateparks.org/AHStephens
GA-8th Georgia Regiment Band at Southeastern Brass Band Festival - Saturday, May 11, 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm, Lassiter High School Concert Hall, 2601 Shallowford Road, Marietta GA. Enjoy the Civil War era music of the 8th Georgia Regiment Band performed on authentic period instruments. They will be the first of six diverse brass bands to perform between 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm during the Inaugural Southeastern Brass Band Festival. FREE admission, donations welcome. www.facebook.com/Southeastern-Brass-Band-Festival
GA-What’s Wrong With the Army of Tennessee? - Saturday, May 11, 2:00 to 3:00 pm, meet at Visitor Center, Chickamauga Battlefield, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. Join a ranger for this special guided tour program on the Confederate “Army of Tennessee.” It seemed doomed to fail, repeatedly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Over the years, historians blamed this army’s failures on its long time commander, General Braxton Bragg. Yet many believe the problems predated General Bragg and lasted until the war’s close. So if not Bragg, then who was to blame? What was wrong with the Army of Tennessee? We’ll explore these questions and others as we discuss what was wrong with the Army of Tennessee. Chickamauga Battlefield is located on the Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, www.nps.gov/chch
GA-Artillery Demonstrations at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield - Saturday, May 11 & Sunday, May 26, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm each day, Front field near the Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. Artillery demonstrations show visitors the steps taken to fire cannon during the Civil War. Each program lasts 30 to 40 minutes and includes an explanation of the role of artillery during the Atlanta Campaign and the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. Artillerists explain the steps of firing a cannon, explaining the role of each person working the cannon. Afterwards the process is performed in real time and the cannon is fired. Visitors are encouraged to maintain close control of their pets during firing and please prepare small children for the sudden burst of sound. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo/
GA-Civil War Music - Sunday, May 12, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. Music during the Civil War served many functions. Not only did it help to organize and rally, but also went a long way to boost morale amongst the soldiers. Come join musicians and living historians 3 Rivers Fife and Drum as they demonstrate Civil War music with fife and drum. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo/
GA-History Hike: Meeting of the Mines - Thursday, May 16, 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Red Top Mountain State Park, 50 Lodge Road SE, Acworth GA. A special Ranger-led hike in to the two mines off of the Iron Hill Trail. It will be a moderate hike and will go off-trail into the mines as well as on top of where they meet! Please wear good footwear and bring water. Call to register. Inclement weather may cancel event. Admission: $10.00 per person plus $5.00 for parking. 770-975-0055, https://gastateparks.org/RedTopMountain
GA-155th Anniversary Battle of Resaca Reenactment - Friday through Sunday, May 17 through 19, Chitwood Farm, Chitwood Road, Resaca GA. One of the largest reenactments in Georgia, held on a portion of the actual battlefield. School group tours on Friday; memorial service at the Resaca Confederate Cemetery on Saturday; exciting battles both Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 pm. Other activities include a ladies tea with guest speaker, touring of the camps and talking with the soldiers, cavalry competition, Saturday night period dance, Sunday morning tactical and period church service, reenactors used clothing “yard sale” and continuous living history activities. Shop sutler row for period wares; food and beverages available. Resaca and its Georgia Civil War Heritage Trails® interpretive marker # 14 (“Oostanaula River Bridges”) are located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. Open to school groups on Friday. Open to the general public on Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Admission: Adults $5.00, Children (ages 6 to 12) $2.00. 800-887-3811, www.georgiadivision.org/bor_reenactment.html
GA-Avenue of Flags at Andersonville - May 17 through 28, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily, Andersonville National Cemetery, GA Hwy. 49, Andersonville GA. The Avenue of Flags is a display of American flags arrayed on both sides of the principal avenue that leads from the main entrance into Andersonville National Cemetery. It reinforces patriotism, national pride and represents a visible, bold and proud display of flags. The Avenue of Flags is arrayed five times each year for several days around various national holidays and events. FREE admission. 229-924-0343, www.nps.gov/ande/index.htm
AL-18th Annual Alabama Cemetery Preservation Workshop - Saturday, May 18, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Alabama Department of Archives and History, 624 Washington Avenue, Montgomery AL. We have assembled an exciting and informative program schedule for you with presentations and demonstrations by highly experienced and sought-after professionals for their chosen topics. After lunch, the workshop will relocate to the historic Oakwood Cemetery (where 750+ Civil War veterans are buried among 200,000+ total internments). Registration: $35.00, which includes refreshments, a box lunch and handout materials. Registrations must be received by May 13. www.alabama-cemetery-preservation.com/
GA-Chickamauga Battlefield Bicycle Tour - Saturday, May 18, 9:30 to 11:30 am, Chickamauga Battlefield, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. The public is invited to bring their bicycles and join in a leisurely-paced historical ride. National Park Service rangers will talk about the history of the battlefield while Outdoor Chattanooga staff and volunteers provide ride leadership and support. Loaner bicycles will be available for riders five-feet-tall and over at no charge. Reservations for loaner bicycles are required. The tour begins at the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center. Ride length is approximately 3 to 4 miles on flat to moderately-hilly terrain. The rides are appropriate for adults and children ages eight and older when accompanied by an adult. All participants are required to wear helmets. Additional Saturday battlefield bicycle tours are scheduled for September 21 and October 19. Chickamauga Battlefield is located on Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, kim_coons@nps.gov
GA-Gordon-Lee Mansion Tours during Spring “Down Home Days” - Saturday, May 18, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Gordon-Lee Mansion, 217 Cove Road, Chickamauga GA. Take a tour of historic Gordon-Lee Mansion during the City of Chickamauga’s 47th annual Lions Club Down Home Days Festival and Craft Show. There will be live entertainment all day, a kid’s zone, farmer’s market, craft vendors and more through the streets of downtown. The 1847 Gordon-Lee Mansion was the headquarters for Union Major General William Rosecrans immediately prior to the Battle of Chickamauga. During the battle it was a Federal hospital. The mansion is the only remaining original structure from the Battle of Chickamauga. Gordon-Lee Mansion and the City of Chickamauga are located on the Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. Admission to tour the mansion: Adults $5.00, Children (ages 12 & under) $1.00. 423-488-0861, http://friendsofthegordonleemansion.org/main.html
GA-Farm Heritage Festival at Jarrell Plantation - Saturday, May 18, 10:30 am to 3:30 pm, Jarrell Plantation State Historic Site, 711 Jarrell Plantation Road, Juliette GA. 19th and early 20th century farm heritage comes to life with a tractor show, antique engine display, and volunteers demonstrating old-fashioned skills and work, like blacksmithing, woodstove cooking, weaving, and more. A portion of Union Major General William T. Sherman’s army visited Jarrell Plantation during their March to the Sea. Directions: Located southeast of Juliette, 18 miles from I-75 Forsyth exit #185 or 18 miles north of Macon exit #171. Admission: $4.00 to $6.50. 478-986-5172, https://gastateparks.org/JarrellPlantation
GA-Infantry Demonstrations at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield - Saturday, May 18, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm, Front field near the Visitor Center, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw GA. This program will consist of a step-by-step description and demonstration of basic infantry tactics and culminate in a musket firing. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 770-427-4686, www.nps.gov/kemo/
GA-Homespun: Life in 19th Century North Georgia - Saturday, May 18, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, Chickamauga Battlefield, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. Join park staff for a special living history presentation exploring how families lived on Chickamauga Battlefield prior to this 1863 fight. Various programs will take place, with special hands-on activities for children between 2:00 and 3:00 pm. Chickamauga Battlefield is located on the Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, www.nps.gov/chch
SC-Mansion by Moonlight - (We’re sorry, but this event is now SOLD OUT. Please consider attending future events at Rose Hill Plantation) - Saturday, May 18, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site, 2677 Sardis Road, Union SC. What is it like to be inside the Gist Mansion after hours? Come find out as we explore nighttime life on a cotton plantation in the 1800s. We’ll discover- through sound, sight, smell, touch, taste and motion - evening activities of both the plantation owner’s family and the enslaved people who lived at Rose Hill Plantation. Lighting will be limited and the ground is slightly uneven. Comfortable clothes and shoes are recommended. Space limited to 16; Reservation required by May 14. Admission: $10.00. 864-427-5966, https://southcarolinaparks.com/rose-hill
GA-Candlelight Hike to the Mill - Saturday, May 18, 8:00 to 10:00 pm, Sweetwater Creek State Park, 1750 Mount Vernon Road, Lithia Springs GA. This mile-long guided night hike is moderately difficult and goes down to the Civil War era textile mill ruins of New Manchester alongside the beautiful rapids of Sweetwater Creek. Candle lanterns are provided. No children under 6 years or dogs permitted. Meet at the Visitor Center parking lot. Admission: $5.00 plus $5.00 parking; cash only. 770-732-5871, https://gastateparks.org/SweetwaterCreek
SC-Kensington Mansion Tours - Saturday & Sunday, May 18 & 19, Tours begin at Eastover Park, 1031 Main Street, Eastover (near Columbia) SC. International Paper and Historic Columbia will lead special public tours of the antebellum Kensington Mansion at 9:00 am, 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm on Saturday, and at 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm on Sunday. Tours will focus on the restoration and rehabilitation of Kensington Mansion, the site’s unique architectural features and information about the families who lived and worked at the site. Tickets (on sale to the general public on May 1st): $15.00. 803-252-7742, https://www.historiccolumbia.org/events/2019/2019-05/kensington-tours
GA-Canal Days - Saturday & Sunday, May 18 & 19, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day, Savannah-Ogeechee Canal Museum and Nature Center, 681 Fort Argyle Road, Savannah GA. Enjoy nature, food, music, history and much more along the mixing of the Ogeechee River and Savannah River watersheds known as the Savannah and Ogeechee Canal. Visit either day to view our museum, wildlife, scenic boardwalk and much more, or stay overnight at our available tent camping complete with indoor showers. Shop all weekend at numerous vendors. The Savannah-Ogeechee Canal Museum and Nature Center is located next to the Georgia Civil War Heritage Trails® interpretive marker entitled “The Savannah and Ogeechee Canal”, marker # R23 along the “Right Wing” historic driving route of the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/index.html. Admission: Adults $3.00, Children (ages 10+) $1.00. 912-748-8068, www.savannahogeecheecanal.org
AL-The Border South and the Secession Crisis - Monday, May 20, 5:30 to 7:00 pm, Fresh Food Company, University of South Alabama, 6351 Tonsmeire Drive, Mobile AL. Michael D. Robinson of the University of Mobile will speak on “The Border South and the Secession Crisis” during this month’s meeting of the Mobile Area Civil War Roundtable. FREE admission. 251-460-7656
GA-The Battle for Petersburg - Monday, May 20, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, Snelling Center, 3165 Washington Road, Augusta GA. A. Wilson Greene, retired Executive Director of Pamplin Historical Park and the National Museum of the Civil War Soldier in Petersburg, Virginia, presents from his latest book, “A Campaign of Giants: The Battle for Petersburg,” focusing on “A Perfect Hell of Blood: The Battle of the Crater.,” during the bi-monthly meeting of the Augusta Civil War Round Table. Free admission for first time visitors. 706-736-2909, gfy@gwenfulcheryoung.com
GA-“The Tubman Command” - Wednesday, May 22, 6:00 to 7:00 pm, DeKalb History Center, 101 East Court Square, Decatur GA. Join author Elizabeth Cobbs as she reads from her newest historical novel, “The Tubman Command.” It tells the story of Harriet Tubman at the moment of her greatest gamble. Recruited as a spy for the Union army, Tubman plots a spectacular plantation raid behind Confederate lines. Tubman must lead her team of black scouts up the Combahee River, where the dangers of alligators, sharpshooters and slave catchers lurk. Her mission is complicated further by the hostility and skepticism of other Union soldiers. Yet Tubman expects these men to underestimate her. It is, after all, why she is the perfect spy. The Tubman Command brings to light the bravery and brilliance of American icon Harriet Tubman during her most daring mission. Tickets: $10.00. 404-373-1088, https://squareup.com/store/dekalb-history-center
AL-Living History Memorial Day Tribute - Saturday, May 25, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Fort Morgan State Historic Site, 51 Alabama Highway 180, Gulf Shores AL. Historical interpreters dressed in uniforms from different eras of the forts occupation will conduct special guided tours throughout the day. Additionally, artillery, small arms, and other presentations will demonstrate the complexities of military garrison life at Fort Morgan. Admission: Adults $7.00, Students & Seniors (65+) $5.00, Children (ages 6-12) $4.00. 251-540-5257, www.fort-morgan.org/
GA-Memorial Day Commemoration at Fort McAllister - Saturday, May 25, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Fort McAllister State Park, 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill GA. Join us for an old fashioned Memorial Day, and help us pay tribute to our fellow patriots who served our country throughout the years! Cannon and musket firings every hour! Civil War era demonstrations will be ongoing throughout the day. Fort McAllister is located at the termination of the “Right Wing” historic driving route for the March to the Sea Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/MarchToTheSeaBrochure.pdf. Admission: Adults $9.00, Seniors (62+) $8.00, Youth (ages 6 to 17) $5.00. 912-727-2339, https://gastateparks.org/FortMcAllister
GA-Emancipation Proclamation Celebration - Saturday, May 25, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Lincoln Park, 235 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Thomaston GA. Crowds flock to the streets of Thomaston to celebrate a small document that said a lot for the United States. Each year, beginning in 1866, people of Upson and surrounding counties have celebrated the emancipation of the slaves. This is among the oldest, continuously observed annual emancipation events in the country. FREE admission. 706-647-9686, www.thomastongachamber.com/
GA-Mute Testimony to the Struggle: Larkin Poe’s Experiences at Chickamauga - Saturday, May 25, 2:00 to 3:00 pm, Chickamauga Battlefield, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. Join a ranger for this special guided tour program exploring the Battle of Chickamauga from the perspective of Larkin Poe, who lived on the battlefield and also served in the Army of Tennessee. Chickamauga Battlefield is located on the Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, www.nps.gov/chch
AL-Calhoun County Memorial Day Celebration - Saturday & Sunday, May 25 & 26, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day, Janney Furnace Park, 145 Janney Road, Ohatchee (between Anniston & Gadsden) AL. Join us at historic Janney Furnace for skirmishes, shootouts, singing, camaraderie and much more as we celebrate the history of Calhoun County and the citizens who fought for its freedoms. Historical periods to be reenacted include the Civil War, Cowboys, Knights Templars and others! Pete the Patriot will discuss the War of Independence. Battle reenactment each day at 2:00 pm. Robert E. Lee will talk about the Civil War and perform worship on Sunday morning. Admission: $2.00 per person, or a can of food. 256-452-7950, fireman399a@yahoo.com
GA-Memorial Day Observance Program at Andersonville - Sunday, May 26, 2:00 pm, Andersonville National Cemetery, GA Hwy. 49, Andersonville GA. Memorial Day activities will include a Color Guard and Rifle Salute. The traditional “laying of wreaths” will feature various military and other organizations. FREE admission. 229-924-0343, www.nps.gov/ande/index.htm
GA-They Also Gave the Last Full Measure - Sunday, May 26, 2:00 to 3:00 pm, Chickamauga Battlefield, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe GA. Join a park ranger for a special guided tour program this Memorial Day weekend sharing the stories of those who gave the “last full measure of devotion” at Chickamauga. Chickamauga Battlefield is located on the Chickamauga Campaign historic driving route portion of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ewExternalFiles/AtlantaCampaignBrochure.pdf. FREE admission. 706-866-9241, www.nps.gov/chch
GA-155th Anniversary of the Battle of Pickett's Mill Reenactment - Thursday through Saturday, May 30 through June 1, Thursday & Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site, 4432 Mount Tabor Church Road, Dallas GA. Experience reenactors and living history demonstrations. Learn what it was like to be a refugee. Interact with soldiers and civilians. Go on a guided history hike that goes to a cornfield to see an important part of the battle. Pickett’s Mill Battlefield State Historic Site is located on the historic driving route of the Atlanta Campaign Heritage Trail®: https://www.civilwarheritagetrails.org/ga-civil-war-trails-map/ga-atlanta-campaign.html. Admission: Adults $5.50, Seniors (ages 62+) $3.50, Youth (ages 6 to 17) $3.00. 770-443-7850, http://georgiastateparks.org/PickettsMillBattlefield