Move, Daniel
As performed by the McIntosh County Shouters
McIntosh County Shouters: Slave Shout Songs from the coast of Georgia
Website: http://www.McIntoshCountyShouters.com/

A “ring shout” is an enthusiastic religious ritual once performed by slaves living along the Georgia and South Carolina coast. Worshipers move in a circle while shuffling or stomping their feet and clapping their hands. Performances often occurred at night, continuing for many hours, even after a long workday in the fields. The original lyrics of many ring shout songs contained hidden messages or warnings to other slaves about the plight of their bondage or their dreams of freedom. The ring shout was first described in detail by outside observers during the Civil War.

Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel.
Oh, Lord, pray, sinner, come,
Oh, Lord, sinner gone to hell.
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel.
Go the other way, Daniel,
Go the other way, Daniel.
Rock, Daniel, rock, Daniel,
Rock, Daniel, rock, Daniel.
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel,
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel.
Oh, Lord, pray, sinner, come,
Oh, Lord, sinner gone to hell.
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel.
Go the other way, Daniel,
Go the other way, Daniel.
Sinner in the way, Lord,
Sinner in the way, Lord.
Oh, Lord, pray, sinner, come,
Oh, Lord, sinner gone to hell.
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel.
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel,
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel.
Rock, Daniel, rock, Daniel,
Rock, Daniel, rock, Daniel.
Go the other way, Daniel,
Go the other way, Daniel.
Sinner in the way, Lord,
Sinner in the way, Lord.
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel.
Oh, Lord, pray, sinner, come,
Oh, Lord, sinner gone to hell.
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel.
Do the eagle wing, Daniel,
Do the eagle wing, Daniel.
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel,
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel.
Rock, Daniel, rock, Daniel,
Rock, Daniel, rock, Daniel.
Oh, Lord, pray, sinner, come,
Oh, Lord, sinner gone to hell.
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel,
Shout, Daniel, shout, Daniel.
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel,
Move, Daniel, move, Daniel.
Go the other way, Daniel,
Go the other way, Daniel….
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